
Discover Auto Body Preparation Tactics

Auto body surface preparation really is your first vital step.

The bottom line, the foundation, for everything else that follows in your car painting project.
If you don’t get this first step completed correctly, everything you do thereafter is a waste of time. No amount of paint or clear coat will cover up the errors and remaining imperfections on the surface that you have provided as the basis of the re-painting process.
So the first thing you must do is prepare yourself to be patient and thorough in preparing a perfect foundation for your do-it-yourself paint job.
Professional painters spend 95% of their efforts and time in a car-painting job on surface preparation. That alone ought to tell you, clearly and simply, where you must really focus your best efforts and put in the hours. Applying coats of paint and clear coats are simple and fast. But preparing the surface of your car for these paint applications is the single most important aspect of painting your own car.
Auto painting consists of a series of tasks, which must be carefully and thoroughly completed or all your efforts will fail. If you perform these tasks carefully and completely, these stages will all add up to a super paint job on your vehicle, a paint job that has a professional quality to it and defies amateurs to tell the difference. The paint will adhere to the surface tightly and the paint job will last for years to come.
So it is critical to remember that sub-standard workmanship in any phase will spell ruin for the overall paint job. You must be certain you finish to perfection every phase of the painting process as well as you possibly can. If you do in fact mess up on a stage, and most people do, just go back and do it again until you get it right.
Sanding, the key task for auto body preparation for repainting, requires you begin with a fairly rough grit (320) and proceed to the finest grit necessary to create a perfectly smooth and flawless surface. Be sure to thoroughly dust and clean the surface as you graduate from one grit to the next. You will then ensure that you are not creating additional problems for yourself by making new scratches as you use ever-finer sandpaper grit.
Once the sanding is complete, clean the entire surface very carefully, making sure all dust, stray sand and debris have been completely removed. You are then ready to get going with the faster-moving stages of painting your car or bike: paint and clear coat applications.
Don’t be tempted to hurry through any of the phases involved, but bear in mind that you’re aiming for a great looking, professional paint job, one you will be happy with and that will last for many, many years!
To learn more and to get a Free auto body and paint manual click here: http://learnautobodyandpaint.com/blog/2010/08/16/discover-auto-body-preperation-tactics/ 

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