
5 Tips to Paint Your Car Yourself

Can I paint my car myself? This question lingers in the back of your mind every time you see those unsightly flaws in your paint’s finish. Before calling your local auto body shop for their often inflated price quote, you should know that there are a variety of tutorials on online courses out there that can save you loads of cash.  One website, www.learnautobodyandpaint.com offers a DVD tutorial that offers 5 tips that will enable you to answer the question, “can I paint my car myself”.

First, figure out the severity of the problem with your car’s paint.  Small scratches and nicks can be taken care of by a touch up spray can.  If you notice flaws that are long or across panels you will need to use a spray paint gun. The same goes for major body work. These can be purchased or rented at the local auto body store with prices varying by quality.

Second, remember to have a good environment to paint in.  Ideally, you will want a spray paint booth.  These can be constructed in your garage if you have the proper ventilation, space to maneuver, and it is free of debris.  If your garage or other are you wish to paint in, you will need to rent a spray paint booth.  Your local auto body store should provide these as well.

Next, you will want to take into account safety and environmental regulations.  Most paint manufacturers will ensure that safety information is packaged with their paints and products.  Local auto body stores will also be able to provide you with your local regulation regarding paint dispersal at home and paint disposal.

The fourth tip is to ensure you choose the right method of preparing the surface for fresh paint.  This may involve, sanding, media blasting, or chemical removal.  Check with an auto body store clerk to see what method will ensure an awesome paint job for your vehicle.  They often can tell you the best method.

The final tip is to choose the right kind of paint for your project.  You will have urethane, acrylic enamel, or acrylic lacquer to choose from.  Make sure to choose the correct kind for your vehicle as each type works best under certain conditions.  For example, acrylic enamel and acrylic lacquer are best for older cars. Therefore if you are restoring a vehicle you will be using one of these.  Keeping these five tips in mind should enable you to tell your friends, “I can paint my car myself.”

If enjoyed this article Paint Your Car Yourself, feel free to check out http://learnautobodyandpaint.com

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